Mastering Your Craft Book Display




4 extra-large men's sweaters, for wrapping boxes

4 sturdy, cardboard boxes of different heights (boxes shown measure as follows [measurements given as length x height x width]: 12" x 12" x 12", 8" x 4" x 4", 12" x 16" x 12", 9" x 8" x 12"

Scrap newspaper and masking tape or packing tape, for making large balls of yarn

4 different colors yarn

1 pair knitting needles

Approximately 6"-square blank cardstock

Sharpie marker 

Colored pencil 

Glue gun and glue 

Yarn and yarn needle (optional), for whipstitching seams when covering boxes with sweaters 



1) Cover boxes with sweaters using one of these two methods or your own method:

--Cut off sleeves, pull sweater down over box, then pull fabric down to cover armhole opening and whipstitch shut.


--Deconstruct sweater by cutting off sleeves, opening seams and trimming to create the largest piece of fabric with straight edges possible, then wrap fabric around box as you would a present, then use hot glue to secure; if desired (for embellishment), whipstitch seams using yarn and yarn needle.


2) To create large yarn balls in a variety of sizes, ball up newspaper into tight rounds, then wrap with masking tape or packing tape to secure. Wrap yarn around newspaper/tape balls until covered completely and desired size is reached. 


3) Place boxes on display table. Place stacks of STC Craft books where you want them on and around boxes. Place yarn balls around books and boxes. Decorate one of the yarn balls with the knitting needles.


4) Write a message on the cardstock. (We chose "Cast on with Your Conscience" and placed the sign near the books KnitKnit, Knitting for Peace, and Knitalong, all of which address the subject of knitting as a way to make a social statement). Run a thin line of glue around the perimeter of cardstock. If desired, draw "stitch" lines just inside the yarn with the Sharpie or a colored pencil. Place sign in display.

Display created by Kayte Terry and photographed by Jen Causey.