Printing by Hand - Deleted "Scenes"

We work with wonderful graphic designers on STC Craft books. After we send them photographs and sample copy (often a year or more before a book actually goes on sale), they design sample spreads. And once we've approved those, they generally work through 4 passes--over the course of many months--during which time the design and text are refined. Inevitably, there are times when we are unable to use a few of the most beautiful spreads.  When I suggested to Brooke Reynolds, the graphic designer of Printing by Hand by Lena Corwin (photographs by Thayer Gowdy), that we share some of those deleted "scenes," she jumped at the opportunity and sent me these spreads.

This is the original table of contents. Each circle shows a snippet of the artwork Lena designed for a project in the book.

This is the original introduction to chapter one. We ended up cutting it to 1 page because we were short on space.

We didn't have room for the photo of Lena working on the artwork for the Cafe Apron, but we did use the photo of her drawing pad in the section of Chapter 1 about transforming a design idea into artwork for printing.

To see more of what Brooke is up to, check out her new blog. And, while you're at it, check out Thayer's new blog too.