Hello! You may have noticed a new byline here on the blog lately, and I thought it time to introduce myself. I’m Cristina Garces, and I’m STC Craft’s new editorial assistant/avid crocheter/spray paint enthusiast.
My pup, Chuleta, often enjoys the fruits of my labor.
Although my most recent professional pursuits have landed squarely in the academic realm, somewhat unbeknownst to me I had been harboring a penchant for creating. It’s not like there weren’t indicators: my emergency road kit was comprised entirely of craft supplies, I carried a small glue gun in my purse for crafting on the fly, and before I ever imagined working here, I would spend many a Saturday afternoon consumed by STC Craft’s captivatingly lovely books, woozy with the prospect of creating something beautiful. Now that I’ve legitimized my fandom, I am so excited to help create the books I used to daydream about, working with people whose talents I’ve admired both as an ardent crafter and an all-around lover of pretty things.
It’s rare to have your interests and responsibilities commingle so serendipitously, and I get itchy fingers just flipping through our books. As sad as I am about summer (my favorite season) drawing to a close, I’m pacifying myself by bookmarking fall projects to try (needless to say, I’m running low on Post-its!).
Is there a better way to welcome the season than with these fun (and easy!) tie-dye tights from The Bust DIY Guide to Life?
As the days get cooler, my need for a mid-afternoon tea fix is at an all-time high. This cute Songbird Mug Cozy and Coaster from Kata Golda’s Hand-Stitched Felt is definitely a necessity:
I would love to spend crisp evenings on my fire escape working on the Bright Stripes Blanket from More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts (a perfect project for a novice knitter, like myself!):
I could, of course, go on and on, so stay tuned: I can’t wait to begin sharing my projects, as well as insight and updates from the wonderful world of craft book publishing with you!