Get Inspired With Our Spring Book Galleries!

Past & Present by Amy Azzarito

Although it still feels like winter out there, we’re so excited to present photo galleries for our spring book list! Get ready to:

Learn new shaping techniques with Lynne Barr:

The Shape of Knitting by Lynne Barr

Flatter your body shape with Amy Herzog:

Knit to Flatter by Amy Herzog

Create a fresh, new quilt project with color wizard Kaffe Fassett:

Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes by Kaffe Fassett and Liza Prior Lucy

Get creative with pen and paper with Dawn Sokol:

Art Doodle Love by Dawn Sokol

Feed your inner history buff with decorative arts-inspired DIY from Amy Azzarito:

Past & Present by Amy Azzarito

And fire up a kiln with our first ceramics title from the inimitable Simon Leach:

Simon Leach's Pottery Handbook by Simon Leach with Bruce Dehnert

Click-through above to enjoy more inspiring photos, and make sure to keep an eye out for these titles, coming soon to bookstores near you!