Weekend Sewing Cover Choices and Heather on TV

The process of creating the Weekend Sewing cover took awhile, but once we had worked through a few challenges, we ended up with a group of very strong choices. When you look at the runner-ups below and the cover we settled on, it's hard to imagine the anxiety that Heather Ross (the author), Brooke Reynolds (the graphic designer), and I (the editor) each experienced along the way.

To see the actual cover and some interior spreads from the book, click on the cover in the margin at right. (Fun fact: That's Brooke, our mulitalented graphic designer, in the tree.) To see a gallery of images from the book, click here. And to see Heather sewing with Martha Stewart, watch her on the Martha Stewart Show next Tuesday, May 19. UPDATE: If you missed the show, watch Haather's segment here.