April 8: http://www.grumperina.com/knitblog
April 9: http://blog.yarn.com
April 12: http://blog.yarn.com
April 13: http://goknitinyourhat.blogspot.com
April 15: http://www.craftgossip.com
April 21: http://to-be-charmed.com
April 22: http://www.houseonhillroad.com
April 23: http://www.knitgrrl.com
April 26: http://www.crazyauntpurl.com
April 27: http://www.thehookandi.com
April 27: http://www.belleepoquewhimsy.com
April 28: http://www.knitandtonic.net
April 29: http://whipup.net
April 30: http://www.alabamachanin.com/journal
To see photos of some of the 50+ afghans in this book, click here.