What Do(odle) You See?

Created by Dawn "The Doodle Queen" Sokol, Art Doodle Love is an interactive fill-in book full of prompts that will motivate you to discover yourself while developing your artistic skills. The pages provide fun, colorful backdrops that are sure to jumpstart your creativity.

Eager to put markers to paper, we picked a prompt from the book (shown above) and challenged some people around the office to let their creative juices flow, doodling what they saw within the splotches and drips. We were amazed by the different ways each person interpreted and altered the page.

For instance, as in real life, I'll try to make cake out of anything:

STC Craft Senior Editor Liana Allday's cute partygoers search for their missing friend:

Ellie Levine, our STC Craft Marketing Manager, channeled Palm Springs:


And Lindley Boegehold, our Director of Calendars and Licensing, took some inspiration from the farm:

And now it's your turn...what do you see in the splotches and drips? Click here to download the sample page we used and get creative! We'll be putting together a photo gallery of creations from Art Doodle Love, so be sure to take photos of this or any of your doodled pages from the book and upload them to Twitter or Instagram with the tag #artdoodlelove.

And if our "professional" doodles above aren't enough of a draw (pun intended), watch artist Mindy Lacefield doodle her way through the book in this amazing video:


We can't wait to see where your pen takes you!