Knitting Lingerie Style Cover Choices

The decision about a cover for an STC Craft book is a team decision. I take one or several covers to a cover meeting and present them to a committee of people, including the publisher, director of sales, and CEO. Most of the time, even if I am presenting more than one option, I have a clear favorite and I try hard to sell that cover to the committee. Every once in a while, however, I have more than one favorite and I am especially curious to get feedback from the committee. That was the case with Knitting Lingerie Style. Here is the cover we used:

And here is the runner up: 


While I am happy with the committee's decision, I do still really enjoy looking at the runner up. So, it's great to have this blog so I can share it with you and give it a bit more life. Thanks to Anna Christian, the graphic designer for this title, who pulled the file for this cover out of her archives.